Eee PC 贊助你的旅行夢想 - 地圖日記

2009年5月9日 星期六

Buddhism persuades to make the good

In the middle of the life, can enjoy doing charitable things, observes five ethics, the filial piety raises the parents to present matter division commander the compassion not to kill the life, just before the end must die a natural death, either ascends to heaven or again the person.

4 則留言:

As 提到...

all religion persuade us to be good and doing good things.
This is the only way for us to feel peace in heart =)

Backer Hoya 提到...

I do not differentiate the religious sect specially, the peaceful foundation starts from each life honest heart to establish.
Each life is equal.Stops the evil behavior,and saves the charitable disposition to Achieves peace the prospect.

Kelvin 提到...

yup bring peace to the world is the most important.

Laín 提到...

I to think that to look for peace, does not have to be from the other end.
I am thankful that you follow my blog.
sorry for my English.